Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jan. 15, 2008

Yesterday we went to the Fox 2 station on a field trip. We went with Ed’s Applied Mass Comm class and met up with Julie Beard’s web writing class. We got to find out what Julie’s class does. They do a lot of blogging on the Fox 2 website. Julie has to approve their blogs before they are posted to check for grammar and spelling. They also can’t write anything negative about the station or give away any secrets. We met two web producers, Patrick and Jill. Jill told us all about a usual day at her job. They are constantly updating the website and adding cool extra footage for the viewers to watch. Jill told us that Fox gives each of their reporters a laptop with wireless internet, so they can send their stuff back ASAP. She was working for KSDK not too long ago and said that they hadn’t gotten this new technology yet. Their reporters still have to call and wait until they get back to the studio to send in their stuff. Ed’s class shot a news package about Julie’s class. Some of the students from our class did the interviews and the stand-ups. We all got to take pictures up at the anchor desk before we left. Today we are going to shoot our second package. We have to do all the shooting ourselves again since Sarah is sick. My boss is going to be there around 1:30 to do his interview, and we hope to find some interesting people to interview.

1 comment:


i enjoyed today's shoot.