Friday, January 18, 2008

KSDK again....

Davina Horton
Local News Analysis
January 18, 2008

The first thing I noticed about KSDK was the different set they use for the morning show. News Channel 5, Today in St. Louis is shot on a very bright, colorful set. It gave it a very feel good look. They showed lots of pictures of the sunrise. The morning show sounds a lot more conversational and relax. The sense of urgency isn’t has high as in the evening. I also watched some of the afternoon news which was full of feature stories.
The anchors were Jennifer Bloom and Mike Garrity filling in for Art Holiday. Jennifer was wearing a brown blazer with a yellow T-shirt and a necklace. Mike had on a conservative suit, black jacket, blue tie. They both look very nice and awake from 7 AM. And when I tuned in again at 12, they were still happy and alert.
Heidi Glaus did a live shot from the studio this morning when she introduced her package about Java Girls. Kathleen did a live shot in the studio while she was give a traffic update and reporting an accident. Sharon Stevens did a live stand-up in front of St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
There was a story that covered a new type of coffee shop that was opening in Cottleville. Jave Girls is a sex-presso. The servers are females who serve you coffee in school girl outfits. The shop opens tomorrow morning. There was an accident this morning on Florissant and Dune that was slowing down traffic quite a bit. In the afternoon, there was an interview story that covered the topic of flu season. Jennifer interviewed a health official who gave information on prevention, treatment, and symptoms of the flu. One of the top stories covered the statuses of three children who were injured when a car ran into their home. The kids are ages 10, 9, and 8. They are at St. Louis Children Hospital, where doctors say it will be months before they recover fully.The last story I saw was about a St. Louis Post Officer charged with sexually harassing a handicapped women who was on his mail route.
My overall impression of Today in St. Louis is good. I enjoyed some of the more feature style stories, and I really liked that they updated weather and traffic so often. The anchors and reporters all had high energy which helped me wake-up. They did some really good interviews as well.
I think Today is very credible. They give you lots of information, and it’s all live. I would probably watch this again, if I’m ever up that early again. I’m usually busy during the day, but I really like the afternoon show. The feature stories really appeal to me.

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