Friday, January 18, 2008

KSDK again....

Davina Horton
Local News Analysis
January 18, 2008

The first thing I noticed about KSDK was the different set they use for the morning show. News Channel 5, Today in St. Louis is shot on a very bright, colorful set. It gave it a very feel good look. They showed lots of pictures of the sunrise. The morning show sounds a lot more conversational and relax. The sense of urgency isn’t has high as in the evening. I also watched some of the afternoon news which was full of feature stories.
The anchors were Jennifer Bloom and Mike Garrity filling in for Art Holiday. Jennifer was wearing a brown blazer with a yellow T-shirt and a necklace. Mike had on a conservative suit, black jacket, blue tie. They both look very nice and awake from 7 AM. And when I tuned in again at 12, they were still happy and alert.
Heidi Glaus did a live shot from the studio this morning when she introduced her package about Java Girls. Kathleen did a live shot in the studio while she was give a traffic update and reporting an accident. Sharon Stevens did a live stand-up in front of St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
There was a story that covered a new type of coffee shop that was opening in Cottleville. Jave Girls is a sex-presso. The servers are females who serve you coffee in school girl outfits. The shop opens tomorrow morning. There was an accident this morning on Florissant and Dune that was slowing down traffic quite a bit. In the afternoon, there was an interview story that covered the topic of flu season. Jennifer interviewed a health official who gave information on prevention, treatment, and symptoms of the flu. One of the top stories covered the statuses of three children who were injured when a car ran into their home. The kids are ages 10, 9, and 8. They are at St. Louis Children Hospital, where doctors say it will be months before they recover fully.The last story I saw was about a St. Louis Post Officer charged with sexually harassing a handicapped women who was on his mail route.
My overall impression of Today in St. Louis is good. I enjoyed some of the more feature style stories, and I really liked that they updated weather and traffic so often. The anchors and reporters all had high energy which helped me wake-up. They did some really good interviews as well.
I think Today is very credible. They give you lots of information, and it’s all live. I would probably watch this again, if I’m ever up that early again. I’m usually busy during the day, but I really like the afternoon show. The feature stories really appeal to me.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jan. 17, 2008

This morning our group meet in the TV studio and logged out tape. We have some really great sound bytes to choose from. Before class I got a head start on some of the final assignments. I started the self critic as well as the job assignment. During class the lecture covered resume tapes and how to get an entry level job. Your resume tape should include a montage of stand-ups, news packages, and some samples of your anchoring. Jill showed us two examples of resume tapes, one was her own. Then she example to us what market numbers were. They are based on the population of the area that a newscast shows to. They can change from year to year. The higher the market, the more money you make. We all have another chance to do the local news analysis for KPLR, since there was a hockey game on last night. But since I had to work tonight, I'm going to do KSDK again in the morning. We went to the studio to shoot the news. It was LIVE today which was exciting. I ran the teleprompter. It went really well. Tomorrow, we get to edit our own packages, which will be interesting. I hate editing, so I'm not really looking forward to it. But I am eager to see how the package comes together. I still need to write my package script for tomorrow, but it's getting late, so it will have to wait!

TV Jobs Assignment

Davina Horton
TV Jobs Assignment
January 18, 2008

Job Choice #1

*KSNF-TV, Joplin, MO
*Morning Show Co-Anchor, seeks a morning show co-anchor who can bring a sparking on-camera presence and interview skills to the show, and can interact well with the other co-anchor and forecaster
*145 *Jim Jackson
* I would definitely be willing to move for this job. I would still get to be in Missouri, and I love Joplin. Of my three jobs this is the one I’m least likely to get, but it’s most like what I want to do. I think this job would challenge me everyday and just be a lot of fun. I have no problem getting up super early, and I would much rather anchor than be a reporter.

Job Choice #2

*WORF-TV, Rockford, IL
*GA reporter/fill-in anchor, seek a GA reporter/fill-in anchor who is aggressive, is creative, is highly motivated, loves to break local news stories, comes to the table with story ideas daily, is a team player, can handle the pressures of deadlines and breaking news in a competitive fashion; must be able to go live, with experience is a plus
*Kent Harrell
*I would be willing to move to Illinois since it is not too far away from my family. I like this job because you get to be a fill-in anchor as well as a reporter. I like that I would be able to go live and break local news. I think it would be fun to move somewhere new and find out what they find important in their news.

Job Choice #3

*KCAU-TV, Sioux City, IA
*Reporter/videographer, who can do it all, is eager to learn and has a good attitude; fluency in Spanish and English a plus
*Carla Kreegar
*I would be willing but not too eager to move for this job. It’s still near my family, but I’m not too fond of Iowa. Hopefully it would only be a temporary location. This job caught my attention because in the job description it said, “eager to learn” which I think describes me a lot. I don’t know everything yet, but I would love to have a job that gave me the chance to learn and become better as a worked. I like this job because it says you will do it all, and I like to have variety in my life. I may not be able to speak Spanish, but I do offer a few other languages that might appeal to them.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jan. 16, 2008

Whoopee! Shooting Day! Haley, Sakshi and I met at the TV studio to go shoot our package. Sarah and Sue came along with us to be our photographers. We got to the bowling alley and scoped out the scene. Not long after we got there we realized that we had forgotten our audio bag. So we had to go back and get it which kind of set us back. We shot a great interview with my boss. You could really tell that he’s used to being asked a lot of the same questions I asked him. He gave us an amazing selection of sound bytes to choose from. After that we had some trouble with our camera and the lighting, but we eventually figured it out. Sarah and Sue shot lots of b-roll of the bowling alley, game room, and bar. We interviewed an employee who works at the counter as well as a bartender. The bartender gave us a unique perspective since she is a smoker. We all brainstormed what the stand-up would be. We decided to shoot it outside right by the doors that had the Smoke-Free sign on them. Once we were done, we went back and Sarah captured out footage. We all decided to meet tomorrow morning to log our tape since we were so tired. I think this package is going to come out really nicely. Tonight I get to watch and critic my favorite news channel, CW 11. So I’m looking forward to that.

Jan. 15, 2008

Yesterday we went to the Fox 2 station on a field trip. We went with Ed’s Applied Mass Comm class and met up with Julie Beard’s web writing class. We got to find out what Julie’s class does. They do a lot of blogging on the Fox 2 website. Julie has to approve their blogs before they are posted to check for grammar and spelling. They also can’t write anything negative about the station or give away any secrets. We met two web producers, Patrick and Jill. Jill told us all about a usual day at her job. They are constantly updating the website and adding cool extra footage for the viewers to watch. Jill told us that Fox gives each of their reporters a laptop with wireless internet, so they can send their stuff back ASAP. She was working for KSDK not too long ago and said that they hadn’t gotten this new technology yet. Their reporters still have to call and wait until they get back to the studio to send in their stuff. Ed’s class shot a news package about Julie’s class. Some of the students from our class did the interviews and the stand-ups. We all got to take pictures up at the anchor desk before we left. Today we are going to shoot our second package. We have to do all the shooting ourselves again since Sarah is sick. My boss is going to be there around 1:30 to do his interview, and we hope to find some interesting people to interview.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Davina Horton
January 15, 2008
Local TV Analysis- KTVI

The first thing I noticed when I started watching Fox 2 was Dan Grey’s deep voice. The tone of his voice is really nice to listen to and it made me want to hear more. I also noticed that they still had Hannah Montana tickets to give away if you went on their website and signed up. I was kind of tempted to sign up, and I’m still considering it, if I remember.
The anchors were Dan Grey and Mandy Murphy. Dan had on a navy suit jacket with a stripped shirt and yellow tie with a pattern. I think he had a few too many colors and patterns. Mandy had a on bright blue jacket. It wasn’t a suit jacket. It kind of looked like a track jacket that you would work out in, so I didn’t really like what the anchors were wearing today.
Chris Regnier did a live stand up in South County. He was at Hancock middle school coving the story of a boy who was hit by a car. Shawn Lindsey did a stand-up in Ladue next to Highway 40. She was covering the demolition of the McKnight Bridge.
The top story was of a skateboarder who was hit by a car and died. He was a student at Hancock Middle South in South County. They showed lots of sad students. There will be no charges filed on the driver. There was nothing the driver could have done. The boy was not on a skateboard when he got hit, but he was in the middle of the road. The school plans to plant a tree in memory of the boy in the spring. The next story was about the St. Charles Council dropping the cussing ban from its long list of bar rules they are proposing for St. Charles. These rules are targeted at Main Street where rowdy crowds are becoming a problem. The proposal still includes no dancing on tables and no drinking games in bars. There was a story that covered the demolition of the McKnight Bridge. They are not blowing it up because it is too close to residential areas. They are basically chiseling it away.
My overall impression was good. I didn’t really like the anchors or reporters, but I did really like the news packages. I think they had some really nice shots, and that they were put together well.
I think this station is fairly credible. There was only one live shot and I kind of base how credible a station is by how much of it is live. However I really liked the news packages and Dan Grey’s voice gave a great sense of credibility. I might actually watch this station again. I liked the graphics. They were very clear and easy to read, and all the footage is really nice.

Jan. 14, 2008

Today we turned in our third story pitches. Jill gave us a lecture about The Anchor. We got three hand-outs. We covered conversational elements such as energy, tone, pitch, stress, inflection, rate, pause, duration, and pace. I think I really need to work on my energy, tone and pitch. We went over things that were bad for your voice, like caffeine, drinking, bars, and dairy. We also talked about some things that were good for our voices such as getting enough sleeping, staying hydrated and doing warm-ups. We also talked about how to show our personalities on TV. We talked about being credible and personable when on camera. The boys gave us some great warm-up techniques such as yawning, stretching our necks, and relaxing our tongues. Jill gave us some make-up tips. I already have some MAC make up, and I love it. I want to get some more, and I also need to buy some lipstick because right now all I have is lip gloss with glitter in it. The packet gave us some great tips on clothes and overall appearance. Around 3, we went over to the TV studio to shot the news. I had Ed look over and sign a form my job needed filled out in order for us to shoot there on Wednesday. Beth and I anchored today. We had a great time. We had a few mess ups, but it was fun. I tried to do some of the deep breathing to make my voice louder. I’m pretty sure I punched a lot, but I did tone it down.